What’s all the hype about? Web 2.0
Web 2.0
Is it just a buzzword or more? I think it’s more!
First, Web 2.0 is a concept and not a piece of software or anything like that. Does it really mean anything? Yes, or at least it is starting to.
The term Web 2.0 was intended to function as a core set of “principles and practices” applied to common tendencies across many technologies. For teachers, it’s like teaching across the curriculum. Hence, Web 2.0 is a platform of applicability that includes many disciplines (i.e. applications). The applications include but are not limited to blogs, wikis, podcasts, and so fourth. In essence, Web 2.0 is the new wave of the Internet and the surf sure seems to be up. Only time will tell!
Tim O’Reilly explains it better...after all it is his baby.
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